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Adaliens are the first other-worldly NFTs minted exclusively on the Cardano Blockchain. We want to introduce a fun story of intergalactic proportions.

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Adaliens are the first other-worldly NFTs minted exclusively on the Cardano Blockchain. It’s a collaboration between friends from the art and digital space. We want to introduce a fun story of intergalactic proportions to the NFT marketplace and the world of collectibles while supporting the Cardano community. Our hope is to create an out of this world experience through an immersive story line, with a strong focus on the artistic creations of these other-worldly beings.

A lot of time and effort has been spent to create our initial scouts, and there’s still plenty of work ahead of us to develop the story behind the Adalien’s and their galactic expansion. We’re excited and looking forward to sharing this with you all! Our goal is to highlight the project's artistic creativity and expand the story beyond our Earthly ambitions into the metaverse!

We’ll do everything we can to make this project a success and we know, through the community’s support, this is an endeavor we can achieve. We understand that good things come with hard work and time and we’re relying on you to be an active member for our community.

We have a lot of ideas for our roadmap, as well as some wonderful surprises, so we hope you join us for the ride on the mothership!

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