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ArcBeat NFT

ArcBeat NFT

Raising climate crisis awareness and donating to climate research via NFTs of Polar photography and animated climate maps.

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ArcBeat NFT
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ArcBeat NFT

ArcBeat, or “Arctic Heartbeat”, is an NFT project on the Cardano blockchain run by a single climate researcher. Our aim is to capture your attention with 1/1 landscape photography of genuinely captivating landscapes from our most vulnerable ecosystems located in the Polar (Arctic and Antarctic) regions.

The ultimate mission is to raise realistic awareness of both the natural cyclic climate change inherent to our planet, its acceleration via antropogenic (i.e. man-made) global warming, and the resulting detrimental effects. Some of these include consistent and accelerating decreases in seasonal sea ice concentration (especially in the Arctic), increasing global temperatures, and salinity anomalies, among many others. Such parameters are monitored from space via satellites and are presented as part of ArcBeat in the form of beautiful planetary- and regional-scale animated map NFTs based solely on publicly-available climate data. Here are some facts supporting our vision:

  • At least 20% of the profits will be donated to the International Polar Foundation to support their climate research.
  • All satellite data-based animated map NFTs are priced at the absolute minimum allowed by marketplaces to effectively distribute them to the community and raise climate crisis awareness.
  • 1/1 photographs are also priced as reasonably as possible while still allowing for helpful donations towards crucial climate research endeavors. The photographs include 1% CIP-27 royalties, which will also be donated in full and indefinitely to climate research organizations.
  • All holders of our initial collection will have updated animated climate maps (including new climate data) distributed to them annually.
  • Any sales from the initial collection which do not contribute to donations will be used to set up a pesticide testing and research laboratory.

ArcBeat will launch together with the Artifct CNFT marketplace in early 2022. Join us on our endeavor to understand and prepare for climate change.

ArcBeat NFT
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ArcBeat NFT


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