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Bonds.org is a pioneer in decentralized asset lending on Cardano - Take full advantage of lending and borrowing opportunities.

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In Dev
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Bonds.org is a decentralized protocol to allow asset lending on Cardano - allowing Cardano enthusiasts to take full advantage of lending and borrowing opportunities in a completely non-custodial way. Bonds.org offers accessible, low-cost financing to borrowers in need of liquid loans. Borrowers can borrow without the need to liquidate their crypto assets; lenders can earn a substantial interest rate for meeting the liquidity needs of others.

Bonds.org founding team boasts an incredible track record within the Cardano ecosystem, having already delivered enormously profitable projects - including the VC-less launch of a DEX - completely from scratch. Now, the team has taken advantage of the latest crypto winter to work on a truly innovative product. Once the ecosystem picks up speed, Bonds.org is destined to become the go-to place for instant lending and borrowing opportunities - a non-custodial gateway to Cardano liquidity.

The team has already secured strong partnerships with leading ecosystem launchpads, stable coins, and other prospective partner projects. Thanks to the team’s wealth of experience, know-how, and knowledge of best industry practices - Bonds.org is bound to amplify the prosperity of all market participants within the Cardano ecosystem.

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