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In Cardacity, you collect native tokens in the form of trading cards for real-life cities.

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Cardacity is a blockchain NFT project built on Cardano. In Cardacity, you collect native tokens in the form of trading cards for real-life cities. When the platform is launched you'll be able to buy packs with randomized cards according to their rarity; trade cards with other players in a dedicated marketplace; solve puzzles with your cities to earn rarer cards and other rewards.

Be the owner of a limited edition unique city card! There are around 25 000 one-of-a-kind cities to be collected - which one will you get?


More than 25 000 unique cards - one for each city. These limited edition cards won't be available later on, so this is the only chance to get them.

Collect & Trade

Collect cities (with different rarities) by purchasing packs or by trading with other players in the marketplace.

Earn rewards

Dynamic limited time events will allow you to trade select cities for special rewards and rare cards through honeycomb-shaped puzzles. The possibilities are endless, so make sure to build a portfolio of varied cities.

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