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Cardano Mixer

Cardano Mixer

Cardano Mixer is a fully decentralized protocol that enables private transactions on the Cardano Blockchain.

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In Dev
Cardano Mixer
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Cardano Mixer

Cardano is a public blockchain. It means that all your transactions are visible and tracked by all kinds of other parties. Such transparency may be undesirable in a situation where your personal information gets linked to your wallet address. It may happen accidentally or, for example, when passing a KYC procedure at a centralized crypto exchange. Cardano Mixer allows you to send a transaction to another user (or to your other wallet) without it being visible on the blockchain.

Users will be able to deposit into and withdraw from the protocol. We use zero-knowledge cryptography to disassociate deposits from withdrawals. Locking funds in the protocol allows users to earn anonymity mining rewards as it improves privacy for everyone. The protocol is fully decentralized. It will be powered by a net of relayers nodes. Project supporters will run their relayer nodes and get a share of protocol fees.

Our protocol token has a ticker symbol $MIX. A major portion of it will be distributed via airdrops to the community: early supporters, participants of the Trusted Setup Ceremony, and early users. More details on each way to get the tokens are coming soon! Check out our website for more information and stay tuned by subscribing to our social pages!

Cardano Mixer
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Cardano Mixer


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