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Chibi Kids

Chibi Kids

An Anime ,Gaming & Asian Culture inspired collections of NFT's on Cardano, currently in Season 1, Season 3 will be where the game lands!

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Chibi Kids

The Lore - The Story Of Chibi Kids For countless years the Kingdom of Karugonia stood, a remote but beautiful nation nestled amongst towering, snow-capped mountains. Prosperous and happy, the people lived an idyllic life, reaping the generosity of the kind earth, and basking in the tranquil sparkle of cool streams. But this was not to last, for one day there came, from parts unknown, a horror the likes of which had never been encountered before. On beating wings of fire and blight a great Red Dragon attacked, blasting the lands with evil and destruction. Panic overtook the villages. Many of the unfortunate people were burned alive, and others died at his claws and teeth.

The brave soldiers stood their ground, and remained forever as ashes. But perhaps worse than the Dragon itself, were the gibbering horde of twisted horrors that followed after, vile scavengers fighting with each other to pick the bones of the ravaged towns. Many more Karugonians died horribly to these monsters. The survivors ran, hiding in caves and cellars, vanishing into the little forest that remained, and disappearing amongst the mountains. They called their tormentor Sekiryu, the Cursed One. They called out to their ancestors for deliverance, but it seemed that there was to be no answer.

Time passed. Months turned to years. The survivors of the apocalypse lived in fear, avoiding their former villages and towns, which were now infested with the fiends that followed Sekiryu. As for the Dragon himself, he had taken up residence in what was once the capitol of their kingdom, and when his flaming wings cast night upon the valley, the people who remained shook in terror. But then something happened. As time passed and children were born to the surviving Karugonians, differences were noticed. At birth they did not cry, but rather stared at their parents in silence, their eyes much larger than any normal person.

As first the villagers feared that the Dragon’s evil had tainted their offspring somehow, but love overcame fear, and, as they raised the children, the differences became greater. The young ones were shorter, with large heads and huge, gentle eyes. Their ability to learn was far greater than average, and their development seemed to move at an accelerated pace as well. The adults called them the Chibi Kids, because they were small in stature, but it soon became apparent that stature was the only small thing about them. Their intellect greatly surpassed that of the adults, and within the space of a few years, other unexpected abilities developed. Some became possessed of immense strength, others blazing speed, and many gained control over fierce powers of magic and elementalism.

The Karugonians finally understood that their prayers had been answered. These youngsters were their new hope, miniscule warriors of terrifying power and hearts of gold. And soon, these Chibi Kids would take the fight to Sekiryu, to protect their loved ones, and to reclaim the lost legacy of Karugonia.

Chibi Kids
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Chibi Kids


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