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Everlens is the first nft marketplace for instagram.

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Instagram today is a centralised platform where users post their content and profits are taken by the parent company, Facebook. Everlens looks to challenge that status quo by empowering every Instagram user to instead monetise their own content and turn their posts into NFTs. Each influencer can also increase their community engagement as followers can now own unique content of their favorite posts. Followers will be able to support their influencers by sponsoring their posts and curating NFT collections of popular artists.

Everlens simplifies the process of turning an Instagram post into an NFT and makes it accessible to all. The platform will operate on Cardano, BSC, and Solana chain in order to reduce transaction fees and make NFTs accessible to everyone.

Everlens holders will be empowered through access to a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) governance framework to vote on proposals of interest to the community. These topics include: new social network integrations (in addition to Instagram), sale transaction fee modifications, distribution of net revenues, reward allocation towards yield farming and liquidity mining.

How does it work/how to use it

Individuals will have to connect their wallet on Everlens and then link their Instagram account to the platform, which will allow them to directly access their Instagram library and easily create an NFT. Once the post is chosen, the user is then able to set a fixed price or set a starting price for an auction and let the highest bidder own the content. 

We have simplified the process and made it accessible to all - including users that are not familiar with the functionalities of blockchain technology.
In the coming months, we plan to integrate features that will allow users to mint NFT even easier.

Why should influencers use Instagram

Everlens challenges the gap in the digital market and transforms content distribution management and monetisation. Influencers can interact directly with their community, control how they distribute content. They obtain a unique relationship with their community.

Everlens is a perfect solution for content creators who want to engage their community to a whole new level, monetize content and focus on the quality of their content instead of ads, and control the way they distribute their work. Everlens is also a tool for buyers to support their favorite content creators and own one of their works, sponsor the work of an artist, and donate to charities or good affiliate causes.

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