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Galactic Bees

Galactic Bees

A game focused on nectar collection and expanding your hive. We aim to build tools to help others looking to make games.

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Galactic Bees
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Galactic Bees

Collectable Game Avatars - Exploring community driven games.

Assemble your team of Galactic Bees, collect nectar, and grow your colony! Each NFT grants access to a game where you explore and collect nectar, which will allow opportunities to trade and unlock more in game collectibles.

This community driven game has long term goals that include community input, outside project integration, tools to create your own game, and more! Join one of the five bee factions, each with a specific specialty based on their queen!

  • Krych - Mighty soldiers and warriors. Their queen is brave and vicious. They fight dirty but protect their own at any cost.
  • Erzbein - They go mining on strange planets to harvest nectar for their own use. Their queen fears the outside world, so they live deep underground.
  • Beylen - Kind, introspective, and wonderful with plants. Their queen loves beauty and peace. They have greenhouses, providing the vegetation without having to go find it.
  • Togalla - Hard working engineers, construction, and armor makers. They craft all of the best equipment and live in great structures. Their queen is strong, and tough, and is known to tinker with materials collected from all over the galaxy.
  • Nauken - Highly intelligent problem solvers. They always find solutions to any issues that arise and are brilliant strategists. Their queen isn't as strong physically, but her ideas make this faction quite formidable.
Galactic Bees
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Galactic Bees


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