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Inherited Plants

Inherited Plants

AI-generated psychedelic houseplant NFTs inspired by analogue plant images.

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Inherited Plants
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Inherited Plants

My grandpa was an avid plant enthusiast and enjoyed growing and photographing rare species of weird and wonderful plants.  On inheriting a case of analogue 35mm slides I found a world of scenes, climates and environments linked through the shared structure of a plant specimen located front and center in the image. At a similar time I was exploring AI algorithms for image generation, and, after using a digitized plant image as an initialisation image, the idea of Inherited Plants was born.

Inherited Plants consists of 1500 prompt driven AI-generated plant images released in series of 100  NFT artworks grouped around specific themes. Each series will be released weekly between September and December 2021.

On completion of the main series I will be releasing the Heritage plants series generated one for one from each analogue original with each NFT in this series comprising the final high resolution image and a video deconstruction of the creative process.

Inherited Plants
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Inherited Plants


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