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Matrixswap is a decentralized virtual-AMM-based perpetual swaps trading protocol deployed on the Cardano blockchain.

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Matrixswap is a decentralized virtual-AMM-based perpetual swaps trading protocol deployed on the Polkadot and the Cardano and Polygon [Ethereum Layer 2] blockchain. Unlike traditional AMMs, users can long or short any assets' perpetual contracts with up to 25x leverage. While most decentralized derivative trading platforms face liquidity concerns, the Matrixswap vAMM offers infinite on-chain liquidity. Matrixswap also offers a DEX aggregator that features multi-token swaps, allowing users to batch several tokens under one transaction. Matrixswap aims to be a fully community-owned and governed Defi protocol in the long run.

What makes Matrixswap attractive and unique as a trading platform are the below key features:

  • While most decentralized derivative trading platforms face liquidity concerns, Matrixswap vAMM offers trades with up to 25x leverage with infinite on-chain liquidity.
  • 100% on-chain and 100% non-custodial trading.
  • By interacting with Matrixswap's vAMM smart contracts, users can gain exposure to derivatives for any assets on the market,.
  • Matrixswap aims to deploy on two major blockchains: Polkadot and Cardano. By leveraging cross-chain bridges, Matrixswap aims to unlock liquidity from different blockchain networks thereby empowering traders with maximum capital efficiency.
  • Matrixswap provides users an Emergency Nuke Button (DEX aggregator) that allows users to convert multiple (or all) tokens into one single asset under one transaction. This is made possible by the nature of the underlying blockchain (low fees, high throughput) and shared liquidity amongst DEXs.
  • The Matrixswap platform utility and governance token MATRIX is built with a deflationary economic design. 50% of the platform trading fees will be allocated towards token buyback & burn in order to offset rewards token emission.
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