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0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage

0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage

0ldgranp's Pinups combine high resolution graphic design with authentic vintage pinups from the 1940s and 1950s.

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0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage
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0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage
Øldgranpa’s Pinups!

The works in this collection are composition of high resolution, original abstract elements, Cardano iconography, and stunning pinups by oil painter Peter Driben from the 1940s-1950s. Combining these with original and CNFT projects (ShapesADA and Aw0k3n Algorithms) as backgrounds.

One of the greatest parts about 0ldgranpa's Pinups project is the charitable donations that were able to be made from the 3 tier drop proceeds. With 3 separate NFT releases, 0ldgranpa's Pinups donated to the below listed foundations.

  • Tier 1: $5017 USD donated to FisherHouse.org (supporting military families)
  • Tier 2: $2715 USD donated to k9sforwarriors.org (supporting & pairing service dogs to veterans)
  • Tier 3: $2354 USD donated to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (https://nationalpcf.org/)

Ownership includes a commercial copyright license w/ attribution. With this you're not only free to print for yourself, friends and family, but you're also free to print for commercial purposes with some attribution to this community on a sales page (online) or on a receipt (in person). This is so that fans of Cardano and of the "0ldgranpas Pinups" can find where similar works (CNFTs) can be purchased. Putting demand on the collection for all patrons/investors.

This Project closed minting at 1901 NFTs but keep an eye out for new projects to come from Øldgranpa!

Øldgranpa’s Garage!

Øldgranpa is back with Øldgranpa’s Garage! Øldgranpa's Pinups brought the heat with the vintage pinups and unique graphic design backgrounds. With Øldgranpa's Garage you will not just see new pinups and classic cars, you will also get new backgrounds. Some backgrounds will be from original hand painted abstracts on canvas created by Øldgranpa!

Ownership includes a commercial copyright license w/ attribution. With this you're not only free to print for yourself, friends and family, but you're also free to print for commercial purposes with some attribution to this community on a sales page (online) or on a receipt (in person). This is so that fans of Cardano and of "0ldgranpa's Garage" can find where similar works (CNFTs) can be purchased. Putting demand on the collection for all patrons/investors.

We dropped the first 1000 Øldgranpa's Garage CNFTs on 2/22/22 and plan to release more by the projects policy close date 3/24/2022. Join our Discord server for more info, updates, and have fun sharing your collection with the other ØG members! Stay tuned for more from Øldgranpa!

0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage
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0ldgranpa's Pinups / Garage


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