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S01E Metaverse Sneakers

S01E Metaverse Sneakers

Sneaker NFTs for the metaverse.

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S01E Metaverse Sneakers
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S01E Metaverse Sneakers

We are on a journey to be the digital wardrobe of the metaverse designing a wide range of digital assets so one day your avatar can swagger across the metaverse in style. We begin our journey with the ‘origins’ sneaker art collectables, composed of 2001 NFT sneakers created in 3d using cubes to produce a pixel art form (voxel).

Join our discord to be OG and participate in early giveaways!


S01E is a collection of FREE TO MINT* sneakers on the Cardano Blockchain. All of our Sneakers are created in 3D software using cubes to produce a voxel artform, giving our sneaker art a distinctive look and feel.

  • 1,111 drop.
  • No Discord.
  • ONLY Twitter.
  • No Grinding.
  • Pixel/ Voxel art.
  • Minting 10th of September 2pm UTC.

2 ada transaction fee + 2 ada gas fee. 1.5 ada returned with NFT therefore True Cost = 2.5 ada.

S01E Metaverse Sneakers
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S01E Metaverse Sneakers


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