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Teiki is a decentralized crowdfunding protocol for innovation on Cardano.

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Teiki is a decentralized crowdfunding protocol initially built on Cardano and IPFS. The protocol has high degrees of decentralization and low transaction fees. We utilize Cardano’s liquid staking to build a novel subscription model, where backers stake ADA at Teiki smart contracts to generate rewards for project creators.

Teiki integrates numerous AI to reduce friction for creators and backers. Our content moderation AI removes the need for registration and KYC. The generative models and writing assistance help creators start a project in days. The process usually takes weeks on platforms like Kickstarter. KYC alone needs 3–7 days. For backers, Teiki summarizes and recommends content to improve the browsing experience. We also have podcast generation, OCR, and much more in the future.

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