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Waya Collective

Waya Collective

The Waya DAO coordinates a network of local African fashion producers, enabling them to serve national markets efficiently.

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Waya Collective
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Waya Collective

Spark a new economic paradigm by tokenizing all parts of production chains.


Building the first decentralized industrial network to replace and disrupt a historical exploitative industry with a decentralized and democratic network that incorporates all African producers. This allows them the participation in efficient and transparent value chains to produce at scale for the local market.


We believe in an Africa where everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their personal potential, where everyone can have access to a stable income and growth opportunities. We believe that African economies can grow and prevent mistakes the rest of the world has committed, while building a livelihood for millions of Africans.

We have observed a pattern in the way many African economies are built: The number of formal jobs is limited, so many people turn to run their own small or micro business, often in light manufacturing such as tailoring, carpentry, or else. However, because of a lack of formal education and professionalism, these small businesses only serve a fraction of the domestic market, lack access to capital, and usually do not grow. This is especially evident in the fashion industry. It is the second-largest employer in Africa, but still most of the fashion gets imported.

We believe that this is a huge opportunity – all the resources are already there, they just need to be organized in a better way. With Cardano, we want to build a decentralized production system where people own the fashion they produce and take part in the decision process. A production network that includes a Waya fashion brand as well as stores, production facilities and a liquidity pool to enable growth.

Waya Collective
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Waya Collective


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