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WonderWhale is a unique 7,777 NFT collection with Staking Rewards and other utilities designed to benefit long-term holders.

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Ocean pollution and global warming have forced 7,777 whales to resurface after keeping their existence secret for a thousand years living in the deep sea, far from human reach. They call themself WonderWhale.

The whales intend to make a real impact on the ocean by cleaning up trash, restoring corals, and protecting marine lives. To roll out their plan effectively, they need to infiltrate every layer of society, from blue-collar workers to conglomerates.

But they can't do it without your help. Mint one WonderWhale, and you help one integrate and blend into society.

Legend has it that WonderWhale is also known to express their gratitude by sharing their treasures (a.k.a community stake reward) and throwing amazing private events on beach club. Each whale minted is a step closer to a clean and healthy ocean.

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