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World of Warriors Token

World of Warriors Token

Have a NFT Trading Card Game & give a hand to the less fortunate, especially homeless people.

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World of Warriors Token
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World of Warriors Token

WORLD OF WARRIORS TOKEN (WOW)** is bringing metaverse and nft gaming together in Cardano blockchain technology. WOW mission to create a metaverse universe called WOW WORLD and integrate  a NFT Trading Card Game, WOW BATTLE to capture all age groups, race, and genders. WOW will showcase top of the line technology that Cardano is capable of but yet still limit the cost to the community as WOW vision is for everyone are able to afford and potentially help the community gain financial benefits.  With these projects, it will also show the assets of Cardano on how it can keep up with the best of the best.

WOW is  all about the community and changing peoples lives and experiences for the better. We plan to give back to Cardano community all throughout this project.  The community is the main voice and priority of WOW. WOW mission is to become the number one Cardano meme token and provide FINANCIAL benefits to the community.

WOW is also here to give a helping hand to homeless people all over the world. WOW will make a difference in these peoples lives by donating 20% of all financial benefits to different programs/charities from different states/countries.  The WOW community will decide on which charity the donation will be sent to by way of suggestions and voting.

World of Warriors Token
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World of Warriors Token


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