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A decentralized Bison meme coin on cardano network. Building bison furry Gambling Casino.

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$Bison Coin is a decentralized meme coin on cardano network. Its a High potential, Formally verified and Peer reviewed meme coin for Cardano degans. Intended to build casino game. We are indeed Inspired by master Charles love of Bisons.

From a land far, far away… Beyond the realms of cardano Forest there is rumored Big bison herd grazing in memeverse. 1000 trillion Bisons grazing on memes looking for Cardano Degans to Farm em.

You can adopt em through Ada, Earn em through steak pools, bet on em on bison Fury. When you eat em you will be high as F because they are fed by formally verified pure weed!! We ensure Meme maximalism, will provide 100% Fair opportunity for All Ranchers . Bisons believe that "Meme + utility = mooon".

Hello fellow Cardano Ranchers welcome to bison farm.

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