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This project has been archived

This project has been archived by Cardano Cube. A project will be archived when the direct link to their website or social media accounts are broken or if there is too little online activity from the project to still be listed. If you're the owner of this project. You can re-verify your project by contacting us.

This project has been flagged by the community!

We advise you to be cautious and 'do your own research' before interacting with this project. Flagged projects are labelled based on claims by community members contacting Cardano Cube. If you're the owner of this project. You can verify your project by contacting us.

The community raised some concerns regarding this project!

We advise you to 'do your own research' before interacting with this project. This notification is shown based on claims by community members contacting Cardano Cube. If you're the owner of this project. You can verify your project by contacting us.

Cardano Makers

Cardano Makers

Think LinkedIn, but for the Cardano community. Makers can post their profiles, Projects can post job ads.

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Cardano Makers
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Cardano Makers

Cardano Makers is here to help connect talented people with awesome projects and vice versa! If you're a project looking for talent you can browse through the community profiles and see their work as well as post your job ad for the community to find. If you're a Maker you can create and share your profile, and apply for open positions through the jobs board.

New features will be rolled out overtime, the long term vision is to make this the space for professionals on Cardano.

Cardano Makers
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Cardano Makers


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