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A multimedia web 3.0 company that provides community-driven experiences integrated via its Manga-comic, Music, Gaming and Art.

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Danketsu is a community-driven NFT and integrated manga series on the Cardano blockchain. Season 1 - 8,888 unique avatars of the Aramar Clan SOLD OUT in less than 30 minutes!

The NFT is a collection of randomly generated 2D avatars, from a total of over 450 unique attributes, including colour variations. No two avatars are the same. The art is based off the popular Japanese Seinen style of art and animation.

Danketsu is a tribute to the digital age, we are taking the manga that billions of people grew up infatuated by and integrating it with blockchain technology, opening up a world of opportunities within the Danketsu Universe, both for developers and the future community.

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