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The first DEX trading Optim Bond tokens on Cardano.

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A Decentralized Exchange on Cardano here users can list & trade Bonds permissionlessly without relying on any centralised party.

Currently Optim Bond Holders must wait till maturity to receive ADA back, so Danogo will help improve liquidity for Bond Holders.If you have Ada but do not want to be locked up for 1 full year, you can buy Optim Bond via Danogo and choose the duration suitable instead.

Cardano already has a few DeX, but none of them is suitable for Bonds because the price of Bonds changes EVERY DAY as the Bonds accrue interest when they get nearer to the maturity date. Hence Danogo calculates dynamic Bond prices based on Yield & time to maturity rather than fixed spot prices like other DeX. Thus users will trade Bonds based on Yield & Maturity rather than spot price.

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