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Diamond Cards

Diamond Cards

We have a collection of uniquely generated Cardano NFTs in the works.

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Diamond Cards
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Diamond Cards

We have a collection of uniquely generated Cardano NFT’s in the works, yet until the bulls start running past this bear market, we thought something that can generate everyone a little bonus might be the next best thing to help everyone through.

A holders card is not uncommon in the realm of cryptocurrencies, but from Merkaba to all in our family, we’ve wanted to bring you something special, something new.

We have reached out to many local project’s to Cardano, to see whether they too can help us Reward you! This means not only do these gain you exclusive governance attributes within Merkaba, a chance to win Merkaba Merchandise from mint, and a heap of of Merkaba Rewards, but these cards will provide you with exclusive bonus rewards supported by other projects too!

  • Access Pass to Collaboration events.
  • Earns MKA.
  • Rewards from numerous projects.
  • Community Governance (Merkaba).
  • Chance to Mint and win Merkaba Merchandise.
  • Chance to WIN back ADA.
  • Discount on Future Merkaba cNFT Series Mints.
Diamond Cards
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Diamond Cards


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