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NFT project aiming to create a virtual sports ecosystem, where users can enter, train, and compete in various tournaments and win prizes.

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Our vision is to create a game called the SuperBull, where the holders of Hornnies NFT can enter and use their NFTs to train and compete in various simulated sports tournaments. We aim to create an ecosystem where each Hornnie Bull will have its own unique set of stats that are deterministic from its traits and the owner of said bull can look at these stats and decide which category (racing, high jumps, 3pt-shooting for example) to specialize it into.

The simulated tournaments will look at the contestant's stats and produce a result that will be animated and broadcast to the audience! Currently, the team has built an MVP, or proof of concept site, called superbull.io, where users can already experience what it is like to "use their NFTs" because to us that is what UTILITY is all about! Superbull.io allows users to enter into racing contests on a daily basis, where the results of the races are broadcasted live in our official discord, in the form of simulated text outputs.

Additionally, superbull.io has a Private Room feature that allows anyone with a Hornnies NFT to create rooms and race with friends!

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