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Mint, Sell, Trade and Explore NFT & FT on Cardano Blockchain

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Buy / Sell Market functionality to let anyone buy/sell NFTs and FTs on our platform.

Mint NFT & FT

You can mint Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) as well as Fungible Token (FT) on our platform.

Advanced Metadata

Our metadata structure is based on CIP-25 standard and it is highly customizable.

Premium Partners

Only quality content on our home page will be shown from our vetted artists.

Personal Pages

Anyone can showcase their minted assets and sales via their own etsy-like personal pages.

Policy Management

You can create time locked (or open) policies and group your asset easily.

Serialized Minting

You can generate upto 20 uniquely named NFTs, auto numbered in a series via single mint.

Cost Breakdown

We will show a complete cost breakdown of your mint as you fill in the form.

Asset Burning

If the policy you used is open/active, you can burn assets you've minted.

Public Asset Viewer

Dedicated page to view any NFTs & FTs along with their metadata directly in Tokhun. Authenticity Validation A system to verify authenticity of NFTs & FTs, though registered/verified policies.

Artist Royalties

Artist can configure after sale royalties on-chain (CIP-27) when creating new policies.

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