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Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel

Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel

Limitless NFT is making the impossible - possible.

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Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel
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Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel

The Limitless NFT is a powerful collaboration between UK based 3D digital fashion designer Samuel Goodyear and bionic pop artist, muse and futurist Viktoria Modesta. An ethereal and elaborate ‘Infinite NFT’ that aims to dismantle the limits placed on anyone who doesn’t fit into societal norms, defying the limitations of perceived ability. An NFT intended to inspire designers, creative directors, models and leaders in the fashion industry to follow in the project’s footsteps, widening employment opportunities and breaking outdated notions of fashion careers being inaccessible.

A portion of the net-proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Down’s Syndrome Association WorkFit programme, “a national organization committed to improving the quality of life for people who have Down’s syndrome, promoting their right to be included on a full and equal basis of others, including helping them find meaningful work.” Design created by Samuel Goodyear and creatively directed by Viktoria Modesta.

The NFT was created using The Modern Mirror technology stack including: 3D body-scanning technology, motion capture and garment digitization and simulation.

Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel
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Limitless NFT - Fallen Angel


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